Die Österreichisch-Kasachische Gesellschaft und die UNESCO in Wien mit Unterstützung des Bürgermeisters von Haslau Maria Ellend organisierten ein zwei Tagesprogramm in den Donauauen.
Austria's National Parks occupy a special place within nature conservation policy. They are not only important to Austria, but rather are of vital international interest. The ecologically most treasured regions of Austria have been declared national parks. At present, there are six national parks with a total area of 2,350 sq. km, or around 3% of the total area of Austria. The following criteria have been applied in the selection of national parks: size; degree to which the ecosystem is representative; ownership of area; feasibility. Development of the Austrian national park system commenced in 1971 with the so-called "Heiligenblut Agreement" in which the three provinces Carinthia, Salzburg and Tyrol decided to establish the Hohe Tauern National Park.
There are six Austrian national parks represented under the National Parks of Austria umbrella: the Donau-Auen, Gesäuse, Hohe Tauern, Kalkalpen, Neusiedlersee-Seewinkel and Thayatal National Parks. The BMLWUW (Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Water Management) initiates and coordinates joint activities of the National Parks of Austria:
- We protect the environment and carry out research into the environment; we inform and offer recreational possibilities.
- We sustain the habitats of rare and in some cases critically endangered plant and animal species.
- We invest today in the priceless ecosystem of tomorrow.
- We allow nature to be experienced fully and offer attractive recreational opportunities.
- We protect the smaller worlds and vitalise the regions.
Source: National Parks of Austria
Celebrating 20 years Donau Auen National Park
Situated between the European capitals Vienna and Bratislava, the Donau-Auen National Park preserves the last remaining major wetlands environment in Central Europe. Here, the Danube is still free flowing and is the lifeline of the National Park and retains the character of an alpine stream. An interplay of ecosystems has created a habitat for numerous animals and plants, some of which are rare species. Read more at: http://www.donauauen.at
According to international criteria a national park should provide a foundation for spiritual, scientific, educational, recreational, and visitor opportunities, all of which must be environmentally and culturally compatible.
In June 2016, the Austrian-Kasachische Gesellschaft in partnership with UNESCO Club Vienna and in consultation with the Mayor of Haslau-Maria Elend organized two days of activities to commemorate the Anniversary of the Donau-Auen National Park embodying these criteria.
Over the two days the winning photos from the 2015 photo exhibition on water, youth and responsibility were exhibited and information on wind energy was presented within the context of arts-based workshops.
Furthermore, a photo-safari was organized to capture images and impressions of the parklands led by Jerry Barton (www.jerrybarton.eu) member of the United Nations Photo Club Vienna and graphic artist Viktoria Wanker. Local environmentalist and activist Herbert Klein shared the history of the founding of the National Park.